Why do we do the things we do? Is it because we enjoy them? Fear of displeasing others? Because we are told? That’s what sells? We have bills to pay?

I’ve been taking pictures all of my life, but I’ve just recently started trying to create art through photographs. A few months ago, while walking around Tulsa’s Mayfest and Blue Dome Art Fest, I jumped at the opportunity to chat with some photographers who had rented booths to display and sell their work.

The first was a younger man, perhaps a few years older than I — maybe late 20s. While looking at his pictures, I came across a local Tulsa landmark that I’ve tried my hand at photographing (pictured below) and mentioned how it was tough to get a good shot with people crawling all over it all the time.

“I photoshopped the people out,” I mentioned casually to the man.

“I don’t use photoshop. It ruins the picture,” he replied.

Blue Whale, Catoosa, OK

I spent the whole night wondering whether I could consider myself a true photographer even though I occasionally use photoshop.

The next day, again at Mayfest, I ran into an older gentleman who had a completely different view on photography: he used photoshop for the majority of his shots! The homepage on his website even mentions his use of photoshop to create the images he sees in his head.

The point is these two photographers had two completely different opinions on how to go about creating their art….and that’s okay! That’s what makes the art of creating so wonderful! The world needs differing views in order to be new and exciting.

So go be creative. Don’t be afraid to put your spin on something. Whether it’s with music, dancing, acting, writing, or any form of creating — the world will appreciate your perspective. Please don’t let anyone discourage you because you don’t create like someone else.

You do you.